Setup a Recording for Simulated Live

How to use a pre-recorded video for a simulated live event on your PhoneLiveStreaming phone system

David @ PhoneLive

Last Update há 4 anos

What is Simulated Live?

Simulated Live with PhoneLiveStreaming is the ability to upload a file days in advance, and have your phone system call those subscribed to Live Notifications at a specific date and time as if the service was live.

Starting Out

In this article, we assume that you have a video file that you have pre-recorded. If you already have an MP3, or you used a third-party tool like online-voice-recorder.com, fill free to jump ahead. 

First, we will want to convert our video file into an audio file.

Let's visit audio-extractor.net and click the big blue "Open video" button. While that is uploading, make sure the mp3 box is greyed out as the option that it will convert our video into. Once your video file is uploaded, click Extract Audio. It will take some time, depending on how large your video file is, to upload and process. 

Let's go to the Manage Playback page in the PhoneLiveStreaming Dashboard.

You will need to go to your PhoneLiveStreaming account (PhoneLiveStreaming.com -> Login). Then click on the Manage Playback page in the left hang menu.

Turn off "Release Uploaded Playback File Now"

If you leave this on, whatever you upload will become what callers hear when they call in right now (as soon as the file is processed). 

Upload Your MP3

Drag your MP3 file, or click on "Drop files here to upload" and a file manager will pop up. The upload process may take some time depending on your internet connection. Once it is uploaded, it takes no more than 5 minutes to process.

Edit Your Playback File

Once the file is uploaded, and you have waited about 5 minutes, refresh the Manage Playback page and you should now see your file listed under the Playback Files heading, in the table. You will want to click on the pencil in the row with the file you just uploaded. 

NOTE: The orange circle checkmark is the current playback file. This is the file callers hear when they call in right now. If the file you just uploaded has the orange checkmark next to it, you will want to edit (pencil) another playback file and set that as the current playback file first. This normally means the blue "Release Uploaded Playback File Now" was not unchecked before your upload.

Select Your Release & Simulated Live Time

Release time is the time that callers who call in can hear this file. Simulated Live is the time we will call those subscribed to Live Notifications and play this file as if it was live. Most of the time, these two times are the same. 

Go ahead and set your time and then click "Save and set Simulated Live"

That's it!

You are good to go. 

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